My Grans rule was no more than 3 stirs!
The eggs can separate from the butter if you stir too much.
A word on Eggs –
Why buy free range? for many reasons
1. Battery hens are treated very cruelly and have a very sad life in a cage (would you like to live in a cage?) They cannot do any of the things that hens love to do.
2. Free range hens get to scratch in the earth, eat bugs, fluff about, groom and roll in the dirt – All the things they are meant to – this makes them happy and they lay happy eggs!
3. The nutritional value is superior in FR eggs. You may have noticed the difference in the colour of the yolk and taste already. If the yolks are a light yellow – this could mean they are not FR.
Many are sold as free range but do not meet the standards (in other words they are bogus eggs). You can look up your state and who meets the standards here Choice
There is also a clever APP called CluckAR which scans cartons and also lists producers in your area.
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