Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

HTMA is an analytical test that measures the mineral composition of hair. It is a safe and non-invasive test that reflects the level of nutrient and toxic elements in body tissue. It is regarded by Integrative Doctors, Naturopaths and Nutritional Therapists as one of the most valuable screening tools available in preventative health care.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis provides clinical data missed by standard blood, urine and stool testing. It  provides important information to help you get your health back on-track and maintain wellness in all stages of life.

The Report includes

  • The Test kit
  • A detailed report including
    – minerals
    – Toxic elements
    – Mineral ratios
    – Metabolic type
    – health trends
    – dietary suggestions
    – supplement suggestions
  • Interpretation via an appointment via zoom or phone call

Additional information

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