
Prevention and Optimal Function

Blood has a lot to tell us about our state of health and blood chemistry testing is the most commonly ordered medical lab test worldwide. These blood tests are an integral part of Western clinical medicine and are used to aid in the diagnostic decision-making process.

However, many, many people start to feel unwell long before a traditional blood test becomes diagnostically represented and more often than not, patients are told by their physician that “everything is normal. But these people know that something is not right. In my opinion and experience my patients know their own body very well…!

My Clinical experience suggests that these peoples blood teats are by no means “normal” and are a far cry from being functionally optimal. They may not yet have progressed to a known disease state but they are what we call “Sub Optimal”, i.e. their physiological systems are no longer functioning properly and they are starting to feel un-well.

The body will do everything it can to keep the blood (the river of life in the human body) optimised. This means taking nutrients and co-factors from other organ parts to prop up the blood. Roll out a myriad of disease that sometimes takes decades to show up – Oestoarthritis, Cancers, Auto-immune disease and Allergy to name a small few.

The issue is not that the blood test is a poor diagnostic tool, far from it. The issue is that the ranges used on a traditional lab test are based on statistics and not on whether a certain value represents good health or optimal physiological function.

The problem is that reference ranges represent “average” populations rather that the optimal level required to maintain good/optimal health. Most “normal” ranges are too broad to adequately detect health problems before they become pathology.

They are certainly not useful for detecting the emergence of dysfunction.


The functional approach to Blood analysis is oriented around changes in physiology and not pathology. The software uses ranges that are based on optimal Human Function and physiology and not the “normal” population, (whom by the way is getting sicker and sicker).

This results in a tighter “Functional Physiological Range” which allows evaluation within the “normal” range that indicates that something is not quite right in the physiological systems associated with this biomarker. This gives the ability to detect patients with changes in physiological “function”.

We can identify the factors that obstruct the patient from achieving optimal physiological, biochemical, and metabolic functioning in their body.

Another thing that separates the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis from the Traditional approach is we are not simply looking at one individual biomarker at a time in a linear report of the data. Rather, trend analysis is used to link individual biomarkers to establish an otherwise hidden trend towards or away from a functional health optimal.


The Functional Health Report is the result of a detailed analysis of your blood test results. Our analytical and interpretive software analyses the blood test data for its hidden meaning and reveals the subtle patterns that signal the first stages of functional change and sub optimal function in the body.


Recent blood tests (3-6 months old) can be used for the preliminary report. These are emailed through to our clinic for data entry.

At this stage, no other data is needed. A full report will be emailed within 7 days and a phone call is scheduled to go through the results in detail.

Once payment is received, you will receive an email with a link to upload your blood tests. If you require blood tests to be taken – I am able to provide the referral for that also. This will be an additional cost.
Most tests are available via your GP at no cost to you via Medicare.

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